I started using Active-PK by LCR Health, I've been using it now for a total of 42 days. I take it first thing in the morning as suggested on an empty stomach. I went from a size 36 to a size 34 in waist size in the 42 days, mostly belly fat. I also bicycle most days when the weather is good in New York, 25-35 miles, 4-5 days a week, which will come to an end soon. I do 15-minute stretch exercise every morning. I work out three days a week in the gym for roughly a hour, to an hour and a half.
I really watch my carb intake and sugars. Since starting Active-PK my craving for snacks and bad foods has pretty much diminished, I can walk by them into a grocery store now, without the urge of buying something sweet. And best of all, I don't seem to need much food to fill me up, and I do feel more alert and have more energy than I've had before. I still take my regular vitamins B12 complex, fish oil, vitamin D, Jin sing and I'm only on one medication, levothyroxine, which is for thyroid, lowest dosage 50 mcg daily, and I take that at bedtime. I can honestly say I feel better at age 69 than I felt in a long time, and I do things a 40-year-old can't do. I'm very active hiking, biking, kayaking. I want to enjoy life to the fullest! Keep making Active, I for one will keep taking it. Thank you Active-PK.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend